5,110 square feet of land situate at Stoney Grove, St. John’s, Nevis

The lot of land is situate at Stoney Grove Estate in the Parish of St. John in the Island of Nevis comprising 5,110 square feet bounded and measuring as follows:- On or towards the North by a 16’ Road Reserve, 44.93 feet; On or towards the East by lands of Simeon Daniel and Sheila Daniel, 91.06 feet; On or towards the South by lands of Simeon Daniel and Sheila Daniel, 64.47 feet and On or towards the West by lands of Cicely Hobson, 99.34 feet. It is ideally situated in a low- density residential area. The property is unfenced. Uninterrupted view of the Caribbean Sea, Nevis Peak and surrounding areas can be captured from the subject property. There is supply of water and electricity within close proximity to the property.

Upset Price: Upset Price:EC$33,215.00

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